Example Builder

This Example Builder Data is auto-generated
Trading as - Example Builder
22 Brown STREET DARWIN WA 5568
Last Updated 09 February 2025
License Number10149947033

data powered by CreditorWatch

7 Satisfactory2 Monitor Closely0 Critical

The Payment rating measures how long it takes an entity to pay back their loans or invoices on average, and categorises an entity’s repayment risk into one of five levels: A, B, C, D or E. Where possible we provide specific payment data on the entity as well as a comparison to the industry average.
* This graph is generated at time of purchase and is not updated with alerts
Date Builder Rating Industry Rating
Payment Rating A

Very low repayment risk. Payment behavior is significant better than the national average.

Payment Rating B
7 days or less

Low repayment risk. Payment behavior is better than the national average.

Payment Rating C
30 days or less

Average repayment risk for an Australian business. Standard underwriting criteria and due diligence is recommended prior to extending credit.

Payment Rating D
60 days or less

High repayment risk, cash-on-demand trading is recommended. Businesses with average arrears of more than 30 days are among the worst 15-20% of payers nationally. Small to medium sized businesses in this category are on average three times the insolvency risk of businesses that pay on time.

Payment Rating E
More than 60 days

High repayment risk, cash-on-demand trading is recommended. Businesses with average arrears of more than 60 days are among the worst 10% of payers nationally. Small to medium sized businesses in this category are on average five times the insolvency risk of businesses that pay on time.

Entity has a strong aptitude to meet credit commitments. Unfavourable economic conditions may lead to a weakened capability to meet financial commitments. Extend terms within consideration.

An adverse cross-directorship occurs when a director of one company has an adverse action registered against another company they are associated with, which could potentially impact the building company you contract with.

Adverse actions may include payment defaults, court proceedings, mercantile inquiries, insolvency notices, and more. Such actions are generally considered significant indicators of financial distress and may suggest an increased likelihood of poor payment behavior by the company in question.

A tax default indicates that a business has overdue tax payments and has failed to respond to a notice of disclosure by The Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Tax defaults are only lodged on debts that are over 90 days overdue and are over a value of $100,000.

This refers to ASIC (the Australian Securities and Investment Commission), a statutory Federal body tasked with regulating the conduct of Australian companies, financial markets and financial services organizations. ASIC will issue an Insolvency Notice following Court applications made under Chapter 5 and Schedule 2 of the Corporations Act 2001. An Insolvency Notice informs the public of the uncertainty surrounding a companys financial position or other matters relating to the companys cessation of trading and control by an external Administrator.

This refers to a situation where a Director of a Building company is being pursued by potentially a creditor or other third party through the Courts seeking legal remedies for an unpaid bill(s) or other type of litigation. It can be a significant indicator of financial stress in the Building companys cashflows and indicates their inability to pay bills as and when they fall due. It is often a precursor event to ultimate Insolvency and a red flag.

Refers to a situation where a person from outside the building company, known as an external administrator, is appointed to try to save the business, sell the business, or to wind it down and try to repay its debts. "Insolvency practitioners", "voluntary administrators", "liquidators" and "receivers" are all types of external administrators. It is a red flag that the building company should be avoided.

Winding up notices are issued by the ATO or other creditor to enforce payment of outstanding debt. This is sent after failure to act upon a statutory demand. The aim is to find out whether the entity is solvent and able to repay its debts owed. If the entity does not act before the court date specified on the notice, the business will be wound up.

When an administrator is appointed, company directors are relieved of their duties. The administrator investigates all available options for the company, determines the best path forward and provides a detailed report to creditors. The company may be restructured, get new owners or be wound up.

data powered by Building Authority

2 Satisfactory0 Monitor Closely0 Critical

The licence status description is not defined for within this builders state.

The current licence for this builder is Valid - 12 February, 2028

Ensure the licence class is appropriate for the type of construction work you are undertaking with the builder

  • Commercial Builder Individual
  • Metal Fasci
  • Port

The licence registration date for this builder is 12 February, 2012

data powered by ASIC

6 Satisfactory1 Monitor Closely3 Critical

ASIC defines a "company name" as the legal name under which a company is registered and operates. It identifies the company in all legal, financial, and business transactions and is recorded on the ASIC Register upon registration.

The date on which the company was officially registered with ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission).

GST is a broad-based tax of 10% on most goods, services and other items sold or consumed in Australia.
  • Not every business or enterprise needs to be registered for GST, but penalties may apply if you fail to register when required to do so.
  • You must register for GST:
    • when your business or enterprise has a GST turnover of $75,000 or more
    • when you provide taxi or limousine travel for passengers (including ride-sourcing) regardless of your GST turnover.
  • If your builder's entity is not registered for GST, undertake further research to find their trading entity ABN or name as this entity in most cases, is the actual building company you need to evaluate from a contractual risk perspective

The Australian Business Number (ABN) is defined by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) as a unique 11-digit identifier issued to businesses and entities registered in Australia. The ABN is managed by the Australian Business Register (ABR), which is administered by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

The Australian Company Number (ACN) is a unique 9-digit number issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to identify a company upon registration under the Corporations Act 2001.

The entity is no longer legally recognized by ASIC, meaning it has been removed from the register and cannot operate as a registered entity. Deregistration often occurs due to insolvency, non-compliance, or voluntary closure.

The ABN is not active or unavailable. This may indicate issues with the business operation or registration.

In Australia, unlimited companies are rare and often used for professional services firms, family businesses, or private investment entities, where members accept full personal liability for the company’s debts

The entity is no longer legally recognized by ASIC, meaning it has been removed from the register and cannot operate as a registered entity. Deregistration often occurs due to insolvency, non-compliance, or voluntary closure.

A privately held company that is registered and incorporated in Australia.


15 Satisfactory3 Monitor Closely3 Critical
Credit Rating History

Data from CreditorWatch

Date Rating Risk
04/12/2023 B3 Neutral
04/11/2021 B2 Low
08/10/2021 E Impaired
27/07/2021 C1 Neutral
Builder updates & alerts

Data from CreditorWatch updated daily

The Status was changed to Under External Administration And/Or Controller Appointed from Registered

Example Builder PTY LTD has cross director adverse actions

RiskScore Rating changed from C1 to D3

RiskScore Rating changed from C1 to B3

RiskScore Rating changed from B1 to A3
Business details

Data from CreditorWatch and ASIC


Class Code Number Held Members Details
ORD 5 David William Jones Beneficially Owned, Fully Paid

  • 99 Taylor STREET BRISBANE, QLD 3747 since 12 May, 2022 - Registered Office

Australian companies must lodge a Registered Address and Principal Place of Business with ASIC, however the address can be the same for both.

  • David William Jones Treasurer since 06 January, 2024 BRISBANE QLD 3747

* Please note: The information above is based on "on-file" ASIC data and may not be complete at the point of purchasing the Builder Report. It is possible that directors with similar names, but with no association to the company, could appear in the cross-directorship section.



15 Satisfactory3 Monitor Closely3 Critical
Credit Rating History

Data from CreditorWatch

Date Rating Risk
04/12/2023 B3 Neutral
04/11/2021 B2 Low
08/10/2021 E Impaired
27/07/2021 C1 Neutral

Getting the best results

Make sure you are selecting the right builder!

Before starting your SmartBuilder search, ensure you have the following information at hand to select the right builder.

Australian Business Number (ABN)

The ABN is unique and nation-wide. Find it on a Builder’s website, business card or sales collateral.

State Building
License Number

An alternative to ABN, find it on a Builder’s website, business card or sales collateral.

Builder’s Legal Entity Name

Useful if you don’t have the ABN or Licence number, but be careful to make sure you have the correct name when you search.

Some say, you can’t put a price on peace of mind, at Smart Builder we say you can and we have!

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