Identify red flags before you sign that contract!

Worried about dodgy builders and daily insolvencies impacting your building project?

With SmartBuilder, your Pre-Contract Digital Assistant, quickly assess a builder's financial health, building licence and corporate status for peace of mind before you sign that building contract!

Search our vast AI powered database and unlock access to our comprehensive builder reports. 

Get started now by entering your Builder's Australian Business Number (ABN), or Builder License Number, or their Legal Entity Name found on their website or business card!

only $399 per builder report

Restoring trust in the Building industry


We provide a transparent window into how your builder really does business

Invest a little upfront now to avoid regret later with a dodgy builder. Stay informed by monitoring your builder's financial health and licensing status with daily alerts sent directly to your email address identifying any change across your Builder's financial, licensing or company datapoints for peace of mind.

Does your builder measure up?


Residential Builders monitored across all States and Territories in Australia


Data point combinations actively managed via cutting edge AI


Up to 23 commercial, licencing and company data points per Builder continuously monitored


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Where trust meets technology

We are committed to driving integrity in the building industry, supporting reputable Australian builders whilst empowering consumers with key insights to determine their preferred building professionals.

  • Backing trustworthy, financially safe builders

    Part of SmartBuilder's mission is to support the building industry by revealing and reporting financially sound and fully compliant, licensed builders from right across Australia.

  • Streamlining your decision-making process

    Compare all your shortlisted builders in a like-for-like and consistent format from your single dashboard. You can also acquire daily updates.

  • Unbiased independent
AI driven analysis

    SmartBuilder's vast data warehouse and dynamic algorithms enable like-for-like, independent builder reporting saving you hours of research and complex analysis.

  • Translating complex
data into real insights

    Our reports present straightforward, actionable information enabling you to make informed, objective, non emotional decisions.

How can we help you identify the right builder?

Whether you are building, renovating or developing, we consolidate hard-to-find licensing, financial, and company details to help you choose the right builder before you enter a contract with the option to track your builder during the project's construction.


  • Shortlist search and get access to reports on your preferred builders

  • Review and compare your shortlisted Builder's financial and licensing data on our dashboard with easy to understand explanations

  • Monitor your chosen builder with email alerts during your build phase for any changes in their position


We have done the analysis for you

We take difficult to access  financial, licensing and corporate data and present it in a consolidated, meaningful Report format that helps inform your final decision on your preferred Builder.  

We provide summaries of data each point, colour-coded by criticality with easy-to-understand explanations.

  • Poor financial health means a builder might not be able to pay their subbies to complete your home or renovation

  • Credit rating defaults might mean they are unable to obtain supplier credit terms to finance the purchasing/hire of supplies or equipment to complete your project

  • Solvency is important! If your builder's payment rating is deteriorating over time, they may not survive financially to complete your build

  • An unlicensed Builder is a deal breaker! If a builder does not maintain current registration and they continue to offer their services to the public, this is a Red Flag and they should be avoided! 

Getting the best results

Make sure you are selecting the right builder!

Before starting your SmartBuilder search, ensure you have the following information at hand to select the right builder.

Australian Business Number (ABN)

The ABN is unique and nation-wide. Find it on a Builder’s website, business card or sales collateral.

State Building
License Number

An alternative to ABN, find it on a Builder’s website, business card or sales collateral.

Builder’s Legal Entity Name

Useful if you don’t have the ABN or Licence number, but be careful to make sure you have the correct name when you search.

Some say, you can’t put a price on peace of mind, at Smart Builder we say you can and we have!

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Search our database and unlock access to our comprehensive builder reports

only $399 per builder report
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